Saturday, August 19, 2017

Congratulations to Frank Wilson and BooksInq

I wanted to take a moment to recognize another significant milestone for BooksInq. Earlier this week, the blog passed 4,000,000 pageviews. And happily, that growth shows no sign of slowing: BooksInq now attracts as many as 20,000 pageviews per day.

Congratulations, of course, is in order: first to Frank Wilson, who continues to provide a host of interesting links and commentary. Safe to say that Frank is the driving force behind BooksInq, and that his generosity of spirit is matched only by his commitment to the arts and literary culture. As I've said before, Frank embodies the characteristics both of a mentor and friend, and I give thanks for the support he's shown all these many years.

Second, congratulations to the team. To Julie, Vikram, and Dave, I say: a job well done. Like Frank, you provide a wealth of articles, essays, and observations. They're wonderful: always novel, respectfully presented, and thought provoking. Keep up the great work.

Finally, to our readers and to the many of you who share links and content: thank you for your engagement. The blog truly is a global effort, and we celebrate this accomplishment as a wider team of readers. Congratulations to everyone, then, on 4 million pageviews. Here's to the next million!



  1. As we said in the Navy, "Bravo Zulu!"

  2. Hear hear! Long may Booksinq thrive.

  3. Yay! Frank congratulations and thank you for so many things. And of course thanks to Jesse (for writing this too) Vikram and Dave. And most of all thanks to our readers, who have deemed us (ok mostly Frank) interesting enough to keep viewing.

  4. Congratulations, Frank, and to all the other conteibutors. Books Inq. is sui generis on the web, and a true asset to readers and writers everywhere.
