Sunday, December 03, 2017

For the season …

Today really is the first day of Advent.


The leaves are fallen, but the sky is clear
(Though winter’s scheduling an arctic flight).
The rumor is a rendezvous draws near.

Some say a telling sign will soon appear,
Though evidence this may be so is slight:
The leaves are fallen, but the sky is clear.

Pale skeptics may be perfectly sincere
To postulate no ground for hope, despite
The rumor that a rendezvous draws near.

More enterprising souls may shed a tear
And, looking up, behold a striking light:
The leaves are fallen, but the sky is clear.

The king, his courtiers, and priests, all fear
Arrival of a challenge to their might:
The rumor is a rendezvous draws near.

The wise in search of something all can cheer
May not rely on ordinary sight:
The leaves are fallen, but the sky is clear.

Within a common place may rest one dear
To all who yearn to see the world made right.
The leaves are fallen, but the sky is clear.
The rumor is a rendezvous draws near.


  1. Do you count differently in the States? Here in Germany the first day of Advent is next Sunday,

  2. Yesterday was still Ordinary Time here, the Feast of Christ the King. Now, in Milan, it would be the Third Sunday of Advent, for the "Ambrosian Advent" begins on the first Sunday after St. Martin's Day, November 11.

  3. After all these years, I've gotten to the point where it wouldn't feel like the start of Advent without seeing this poem on this blog....

  4. Well, the Mass on Sunday that i attended billed itself as the first Sunday of Advent. But I just checked the the Liturgical Calendar posted by the U.S. Council of Bishops and that has this coming Sunday as the start of Advent. Oh, well. I'll post the poem again next Sunday.

    1. It was the start of advent here in Budapest on Sunday, for what that's worth. The poem is very beautiful

  5. Please do! I like to read it while lighting the first candle on our Advent wreath (which I must finish making today).

    P.S. Advent is a fairly big deal here in Germany.
