Sunday, December 10, 2017

Round and round he goes …

… One Long Circular Argument. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

… natural selection, whether among organisms or among “memes,” is sensitive to survival value alone. It “cares” nothing about the truth or falsity of our thoughts or the logical rigor of our arguments. If comforting falsehoods and fallacious reasoning happen to be conducive to our survival, then they will be selected for. They will seem right to us even if they are not. But then, if Dennett’s account of the origin of human thought processes were correct, we could have no reason to suppose that those processes track truth or conform to canons of logical inference. Again, they will appear to do so even if they do not. This undermines any confidence we could have in any idea or argument—including Dennett’s.
Given his views, it's a wonder why Dennett even bothers to think let alone share his thoughts with the rest of us. Oh, well, it's all illusory anyway, right?

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